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logoTetrate Agent Operations DirectorVersion: Latest

Detect Unsanctioned Models

Unsanctioned Models are LLM resources not authorized under existing governance policies, potentially introducing risks, costs, or compliance issues. Tetrate Agent Operations Director provides tools to detect and bring unsanctioned model usage under proper governance.

Detection Workflow

Step 1: Open Resources

  1. Navigate to the Providers page from the main navigation menu
  2. Click the Resolve button to access the Resources discovery page

Step 2: Review Discovered Resources

  1. On the Resources page, select All from the Provider dropdown filter
  2. Review the complete list of detected LLM providers and models
  3. Identify unknown or unexpected resources that may indicate unsanctioned usage
    • Pay attention to resource name, provider type, and associated metadata
    • Note that the Resources table is paginated - use pagination controls to review all entries

Step 3: Develop Resolution Strategy

For each unsanctioned resource:

  1. Engage with resource consumers to understand:
    • Business purpose and requirements
    • Why sanctioned alternatives weren't used
    • Expected usage patterns
  2. Determine appropriate action:
    • Migrate to approved alternatives
    • Approved the model and add to sanctioned list
    • Implement temporary exceptions with timeline for resolution
    • Block usage immediately for high-risk resources

Step 4: Implement Controls

Apply governance controls through network policies, authentication management, and budget enforcement.

Step 5: Establish Ongoing Monitoring

Implement regular discovery scans, alerts for new unsanctioned usage, and dashboard monitoring.