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logoTetrate Enterprise Gateway for Envoy (TEG)Version: v0.0.0-latest


Below is a summary of capabilities you'll be able to leverage as a user of TEG.

Traffic Management

  • Advanced load balancing algorithms
  • Traffic routing based on various criteria (e.g., path, headers, etc.)
  • Traffic splitting and mirroring for canary deployments and blue-green deployments
  • Configure and handle redirects


  • mTLS (mutual TLS) for secure client to gateway and gateway to backend traffic
  • Verify JWT (JSON Web Token) access tokens
  • Integration with Coraza WAF with Tetrate Enterprise Gateway
  • Integrate with OIDC Providers to put resources behind login
  • FIPS verified build


  • Customizable detailed metrics and logging
  • Distributed tracing support
  • Integration with observability tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana, Jaeger)


  • Utilize External Processing for custom extensions
  • Support for WASM (WebAssembly) filters
  • Integration with external authorization systems

Protocol Support

  • HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3
  • gRPC and WebSocket
  • TCP and UDP


  • Seamless integration with Kubernetes resources and service mesh technologies (e.g., Istio, Linkerd, Consul)
  • A Kubernetes Gateway API Implementation
  • Support for cloud-native environments and hybrid deployments with the ability to route traffic to Kubernetes hosted services as well as services external to Kubernetes

Operational Simplicity

  • Simplified configuration and management via the Gateway API and Envoy Gateway API
  • Automation of common tasks (e.g., certificate management) with cert-manager integration
  • Kubernetes native implementation suitable for large-scale deployments across cloud providers and on-prem kubernetes clusters

Want to talk to an expert to evaluate if Envoy Gateway is the right choice for you?

Don't hesitate to get in touch. Fill out our Demo Request form to talk to an expert about your use case.