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Install using the Add-On

With the Tetrate AWS EKS Add-On, you can install Istio easily on an EKS cluster.

Installation Options

You can install the Add-On using either the AWS CLI or the AWS Web Console.

Install the Add-On via the command line

  1. Check the add-on is available

    Check that add-on is available by issuing the commands below. Please set these variables:

    • TIS_VERSION is the Tetrate Istio Subscription version
    • KUBERNETES_VERSION is the Kubernetes version you use in your cluster. This must be the same with the Kubernetes version you created in previous step.
    • CLUSTER_NAME is your cluster name
    • REGION is the AWS region name.

    The version numbers are in major.minor format.

    Note that an AWS Marketplace subscription is required before for TID addon to be deployed in AWS account.

    export TIS_VERSION=1.22
    export KUBERNETES_VERSION=1.30
    export CLUSTER_NAME=MyCluster
    export REGION=us-east-1

    export ADDON_VERSION=$(aws eks describe-addon-versions --addon-name tetrate-io_istio-distro --kubernetes-version $KUBERNETES_VERSION | jq -r ".addons[0].addonVersions[]|select(.addonVersion|strings|startswith(\"v$TIS_VERSION\"))|.addonVersion")

    The ADDON_VERSION must contains value such as v1.22.30001-eksbuild.1 or similar. If this variable is empty, then the addon is not available in the specified TIS and Kubernetes versions.

  2. Deploy the Add-On

    Deploy the add-on to your cluster in AWS EKS:

    eksctl create addon --name tetrate-io_istio-distro \
    --cluster $CLUSTER_NAME \
    --version $ADDON_VERSION \
    --region $REGION \

    The installation will take around 2 minutes. To get the current state use the following command.

    aws eks describe-addon --addon-name tetrate-io_istio-distro --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME>

When the add-on is in Active state, you can proceed with deploying applications in Istio-enabled EKS cluster.

You'll also need to configure and deploy an Istio Gateway in the next step.