Install a Tetrate Istio distribution using istioctl
You can install a Tetrate Istio distribution using istioctl. This is appropriate for quick testing, as an alternative to a helm install.
TID has adopted a new versioning format. See Versioning for more details. We recommend familiarizing yourself with this new format and gradually transitioning to it.
Post the TID 1.24.0 release, the old versioning scheme and its associated repository will be phased out, consolidating all users on the updated format in the new repository.
Before you begin
You need a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl
command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. Istio has a number of platform and networking/application requirements.
Run following command ro get obtain a list of TAGs, corresponding to Tetrate's supported Istio versions and builds.
curl -s | jq
You also need the correct version of the istioctl tool, matching the version of Istio you plan to install.
Installation Steps
Determine the Tetrate Istio distribution version
You need to determine Istio version that you want to install and set it as TAG variable
- New
- Legacy
You can get a list of all the tags available by running the following command:
curl -fSsL | jq -r '.istio_distributions[].version_flavor'
This command will have following output
1.18.5-tetrate0Please note the output can be quite large. To get just the latest tags, run this command:
curl -fSsL | jq -r '.istio_distributions[].version_flavor' | sort | tail -5
Example results:
1.24.2-tetratefips1Then set the tag as environment variable:
export TAG=1.24.2-tetrate0
You can get a list of all the tags available by running the following command:
curl -u "${TIS_USER}:${TIS_PASS}" -s | jq
You can also browse the tags available by searching the Tetrate public repositories and replacing the search term 1.24 with the version you want.
Two version systemsTetrate container registries will have both version available during transition period
Then set the tag as environment variable:
export TAG=1.24.0-tetrate-v0
Download istioctl
Set the correct ARCH with one of following values:
Download the istioctl binary:
- New
- Legacy
export ARCH=linux-amd64
mkdir -p ~/.istioctl/bin
curl -fSsLO${TAG}/istioctl-${TAG}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
tar -xvzf istioctl-${TAG}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
cp istioctl ~/.istioctl/binexport ARCH=linux-arm64
mkdir -p ~/.istioctl/bin
curl -O${TAG}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
tar -xvzf istioctl-${TAG}-${ARCH}.tar.gz
cp istioctl ~/.istioctl/binVerify the binary functions:
~/.istioctl/bin/istioctl version
Define the Install Version
If you've not already done so, follow the instructions above to set the required variables correctly:
export TAG="<chosen tag>"
Install Istio
~/.istioctl/bin/istioctl install --set profile=default \
--set tag=${TAG} \
--set hub=containers.istio.tetratelabs.comExpect output similar to:
istioctl install outputThis will install the Istio 1.24.2 with profile "default" into the cluster. Proceed? (y/N) y
✔ Istio core installed ⛵️
✔ Istiod installed 🧠
✔ Ingress gateways installed 🛬
✔ Installation complete
Uninstalling Istio
Uninstall the Istio installation as follows:
~/.istioctl/bin/istioctl uninstall --purge
kubectl delete ns istio-system
Next Steps
Once you have installed and validated your Tetrate Istio distribution install, you can proceed to the Istio good practices guide.