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TIS Plus Software Images

To onboard your cluster to TIS Plus, you need to obtain the necessary software images. This guide will walk you through the process of accessing and copying these images from Tetrate's registry to your own private registry.


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • Downloaded the tctl helper tool
  • Obtained a username and apiKey from Tetrate
  • Access to a suitable private registry (e.g., Amazon ECR)

Steps to Obtain TIS Plus Images

  1. Verify tctl Version

    Ensure your tctl version matches the TIS Plus version you're installing

    tctl version

    The output should show

    TCTL version: v1.12.0
    TSB version: <connection not configured>
  2. Prepare your Target Registry

    Export your target registry name


    Configure your local docker client to authenticate with this registry.

  3. Sync the Images

    Use tctl to sync images from Tetrate's private repository to your target repository

    tctl install image-sync --mode observe --username <username> --apikey <apikey> --registry ${HUB}
  4. Verify Image Sync

    After the sync process completes, verify that the images are present in your target registry. The exact method to do this depends on your registry type:

    For Docker Hub or similar registries:

    docker search ${HUB}/tis-plus

    For Amazon ECR:

    aws ecr describe-images --repository-name ${HUB}/tis-plus

    For Google Container Registry:

    gcloud container images list --repository=${HUB}

    For Azure Container Registry:

    az acr repository show-tags --name ${HUB} --repository tis-plus

    If you're using a different registry, consult its documentation for the appropriate command to list or search for images.

    You should see a list of TIS Plus related images in your target registry.


If you encounter errors when attempting to sync the images, please check the following steps:

  1. Verify tctl version matches your intended TIS Plus version

    Check that the tctl version corresponds to the version of TIS Plus that you intend to install:

    $ tctl version
     TCTL version: v1.12.0
     TSB version: <connection not configured>
  2. Check that your Tetrate-provided credentials are valid and not expired

    Credentials issued by Tetrate have an expiry date; for example, credentials issued for evaluations are typically valid for 30 days.

  3. Test authentication to the Tetrate private registry

    # Login to the Docker repository using the username and apikey
    docker login

    # List the docker images
    tctl install image-sync --tis-plus --just-print
  4. Attempt to pull an image from the Tetrate private registry

    This test assumes you have a local Docker repository:

    IMAGE=`tctl install image-sync --just-print | head -1`
    docker pull ${IMAGE}
  5. Test pushing an image to your target registry

    # Select a local image
    docker images

    # Tag the image
    docker tag ${IMAGEID} ${HUB}/${IMAGENAME}

    # Push the image to ${HUB}
    docker push ${HUB}/${IMAGENAME}

If issues persist, contact Tetrate support for assistance.

Next Steps

After successfully acquiring the TIS Plus images, proceed to prepare your cluster for the TIS Plus installation.