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Uninstalling TIS Plus

If you want to offboard an individual cluster from TIS Plus, follow the first step.

If you want to completely uninstall TIS Plus, offboard the cluster then uninstall TIS Plus Control Plane.

Use the correct kubectl context!

At each step, check that you are using the kubectl context that refers to the Kubernetes cluster you wish to uninstall from

  1. Offboard a Cluster

    Offboard the cluster from TIS Plus

    De-register the cluster with the running TIS+ Management Plane:

    tctl delete cluster <cluster-name>

    Delete the Control Plane install

    Uninstall the control plane chart, and remove the resources created during the installation process that are untracked by Helm.

    kubectl patch deployment tsb-operator-control-plane -n tis-plus-system -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' --type=merge
    kubectl patch controlplane controlplane tis-plus-system -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}' --type=merge
    kubectl delete tsb-operator-control-plane
    kubectl delete tsb-operator-control-plane

    helm uninstall tis-plus-cp --namespace tis-plus-system
    Known Issue

    In some situations, the helm uninstall will not remove the tis-plus-system namespace. You should check and remove the namespace:

    kubectl delete namespace tis-plus-system --ignore-not-found
  2. Unregister the Helm chart repo

    Once done, you can then unregister Tetrate's Helm chart repo:

    helm repo remove tis-plus-cp