Tetrate Istio Subscription Plus (TIS+) utilizes many of the same components as the Tetrate Service Bridge(TSB) product but has the several distinctions.
describes a set of observed resources that have a group of metrics that emit measurements at runtime.
A source specifies what is being observed (which resource types: service, ingress hostnames,
relation, ...) and how it is being observed (with which scope of observation).
A telemetry source can observe different types of resources in a single or aggregated way depending on the defined scope. A scope can be of type ServiceScope, IngressScope, or RelationScope, and they define the wingspan of the telemetry source in the mesh. Each scope contains information to determine if it is a single standalone source or an aggregation of standalone sources of the same type.
ServiceScope can be one of the following types which define the span of a service's telemetry source in the mesh as:
- INSTANCE: A single specific service instance (pod or VM) in a cluster.
- SERVICE: An aggregation of all instances of a specific service of a concrete version (subset) in a cluster.
- SUBSET: An aggregation of all instances of a specific service of a concrete version (subset) across clusters.
- GLOBAL: An aggregation of all instances from all the versions of a specific service across clusters.
IngressScope can be one the following types which define the span of Ingress hostname's telemetry source in the mesh as:
- HOSTNAME: A ingress's hostname in a concrete cluster.
- GLOBAL: A ingress's hostname across clusters.
A Telemetry source can also observe relation between resources. A relation is the physical connection between resources when a call between them has been done. For instance, a relation exists when a gateway calls a service or vice versa, or a service calls another service. That relation (call) can be seen (detected) from the server side, client-side, or both. For instance, when a gateway calls a service, and both resources are observed, the relation can be seen from both sides, the client and the server. In this case, the gateway is the client-side of the relation observation and the service is the server side of the observation. Each of the observation points (client or server) in the relation will produce different measurements for the same metric. Which means that, if we take the duration metric of the relation, we will have a concrete value (measurement) from the client point of view and another value from the server point view, where the client-side observed duration will be greater than the server side duration, in which the difference between durations is the network/transport introduced latency.
RelationScope can be one the following types which define the span of a relation telemetry source in the mesh as:
- SERVICE: A relation between logical services.
To understand a bit better what and how a telemetry source can observe, let's assume we have deployed the classic
Istio bookinfo demo application in 2 clusters, demo
If we take as an example the reviews service which has 3 different versions (subsets V1, V2, and V3) for what is
being observed, we will have different telemetry sources available which will tell us how (which scope) they are
being observed.
An INSTANCE scoped telemetry source for a concrete review service instance (pod) running on the demo cluster will be:
kind: Source
organization: tis+
service: reviews.bookinfo
name: reviews-v1-545db77b95-vhtlj
belongsTo: organizations/myorg/services/reviews.bookinfo
metric_source_key: djF8cmV2aWV3c3xib29raW5mb3xkZW1vfC0=.1_cmV2aWV3cy12MS01NDVkYjc3Yjk1LXZodGxq
- type: INSTANCE
instance: reviews-v1-545db77b95-vhtlj
subset: v1
service: reviews
namespace: bookinfo
cluster: demo
deployment: organizations/myorg/clusters/demo/namespaces/bookinfo/services/reviews
A SUBSET scoped telemetry source for the reviews service of v1 subset running on the demo cluster will be:
kind: Source
organization: tis+
service: reviews.bookinfo
name: reviews-v1-demo
belongsTo: organizations/myorg/services/reviews.bookinfo
metric_source_key: djF8cmV2aWV3c3xib29raW5mb3xkZW1vfC0=.1
- type: SUBSET
subset: v1
service: reviews
namespace: bookinfo
cluster: demo
deployment: organizations/myorg/clusters/demo/namespaces/bookinfo/services/reviews
A GLOBAL_SUBSET scope telemetry source for the reviews services of version v1 running across clusters will be:
kind: Source
organization: tis+
service: reviews.bookinfo
name: reviews-v1
belongsTo: organizations/myorg/services/reviews.bookinfo
metric_source_key: djF8cmV2aWV3c3xib29raW5mb3wqfCo=.1
subset: v1
service: reviews
namespace: bookinfo
deployment: organizations/myorg/clusters/demo/namespaces/bookinfo/services/reviews
A GLOBAL scoped telemetry source for the reviews service of all subsets(v1, v2, and v3) running across all clusters will be:
kind: Source
organization: tis+
service: reviews.bookinfo
name: reviews
belongsTo: organizations/myorg/services/reviews.bookinfo
metric_source_key: djF8cmV2aWV3c3xib29raW5mb3wqfCo=.1
- type: GLOBAL
service: reviews
namespace: bookinfo
deployment: organizations/myorg/clusters/demo/namespaces/bookinfo/services/reviews
Source identifies a set of observed resources that have a group of metrics that emit measurements at runtime.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
belongsTo | string | – |
metricSourceKey | string | – |
type | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScopeType | – |
scope | – |
Source scope defines the source's wingspan in the mesh. It defines how we are observing the resources. For instance we can observer a resources at service, ingress, or relation level.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
serviceScopes | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.ServiceScopes oneof _scope | – |
ingressScopes | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.IngressScopes oneof _scope | – |
relationScopes | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.RelationScopes oneof _scope | – |
IngressScopes defines one or many Ingress's hostname telemetry source wingspan in the mesh.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
scopes | List of tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.IngressScopes.IngressScope | – |
An ingress defines the telemetry source wingspan in the mesh of ingress's hostname.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
type | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.IngressScopes.IngressScope.ScopeType | – |
scope | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.IngressScopes.IngressScope.Scope | – |
deployment | string | – |
Each of the scope properties can have the following values:
A non empty value.
An empty value or absence of the property act as a wildcard, meaning any possible value.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
hostname | string | – |
ingressService | string | – |
cluster | string | – |
RelationScopes represents the physical connection that exists between observable resources. A relation can represent for instance the physical connection that exist when a call between services is done:
Between a gateway and a service or vice versa.
Between a service and another service. This observation can produce client-side measurements, server side measurements or both.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
scopes | List of tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.RelationScopes.RelationScope | – |
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
type | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.RelationScopes.RelationScope.ScopeType | – |
scope | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.RelationScopes.RelationScope.Scope | – |
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
serviceRelation | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.RelationScopes.RelationScope.ServiceRelation oneof _relation_type | – |
A relation between logical services.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
source | string | – |
target | string | – |
ServiceScopes defines one or many service's telemetry source wingspan in the mesh.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
scopes | List of tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.ServiceScopes.ServiceScope | – |
A service scope defines the telemetry source wingspan in the mesh of a service.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
type | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.ServiceScopes.ServiceScope.ScopeType | – |
scope | tetrateio.api.tsb.observability.telemetry.v2.SourceScope.ServiceScopes.ServiceScope.Scope | – |
deployment | string | – |
Each of the scope properties can have the following values:
A non empty value.
An empty value or absence of the property act as a wildcard, meaning any possible value.
Field | Description | Validation Rule |
instance | string | – |
subset | string | – |
service | string | – |
namespace | string | – |
cluster | string | – |
ScopeType denotes the wingspan of a telemetry source for an ingress's hostname.
Field | Number | Description |
INVALID | 0 | |
HOSTNAME | 1 | A hostname telemetry source that belongs to a specific ingress instance in a cluster. |
GLOBAL | 2 | A global telemetry source of a hostname from an ingress across clusters. |
ScopeType denotes the wingspan of a telemetry source for relation between resources.
Field | Number | Description |
INVALID | 0 | |
SERVICE | 1 | A service telemetry source that belongs to a specific relation between logical services. |
ScopeType denotes the wingspan of a telemetry source for a service.
Field | Number | Description |
INVALID | 0 | |
INSTANCE | 1 | A instance telemetry source belongs to a specific service instance (pod or VM) in a cluster. |
SERVICE | 2 | A service telemetry source belongs to a specific service, without subsets, in a cluster. |
SUBSET | 3 | A subset telemetry source belongs to a specific service of a concrete subset in a cluster. |
GLOBAL_SUBSET | 4 | A global subset telemetry source represents a concrete subset from a service across cluster. Subset scope type does not apply to ingress services. |
GLOBAL | 5 | A global telemetry source represents all subsets from a service across clusters. |
The type of scopes which defines telemetry source's wingspan in the mesh.
Field | Number | Description |
INVALID | 0 | |
SERVICE | 1 | A telemetry source service based scope. |
INGRESS | 2 | A telemetry source ingress's hostname based scope. |
RELATION | 3 | A telemetry source relation based scope. |