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logoTetrate Istio Subscription PlusVersion: Latest

Access Bindings

The differences between TSB and Tetrate Istio Subscription Plus (TIS+)

Tetrate Istio Subscription Plus (TIS+) utilizes many of the same components as the Tetrate Service Bridge(TSB) product but has the several distinctions.

AccessBindings is an assignment of roles to a set of users or teams to access resources. The user or team information is obtained from an user directory (such an LDAP server or an external OIDC server) that should have been configured as part of Istio Subscription Plus installation. Note that an AccessBinding can be created or modified only by users who have SET_POLICY permission on the target resource.

The following example assigns the workspace-admin role to users alice, bob, and members of the t1 team for the workspace w1 owned by the tenant mycompany.

Use fully-qualified name (fqn) when specifying the target resource, as well as for the users and teams.

kind: AccessBindings
fqn: organizations/myorg/tenants/mycompany/workspaces/w1
- role: rbac/workspace-admin
- user: organizations/myorg/users/alice
- user: organizations/myorg/users/bob
- team: organizations/myorg/teams/t1


AccessBindings assigns permissions to users of any TIS+ resource.

FieldDescriptionValidation Rule


List of tetrateio.api.tsb.rbac.v2.Binding
The list of allowed bindings configures the different access profiles that are allowed on the target resource.