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Install using the Add-On

With the Tetrate AWS EKS Add-On, you can install Istio easily on an EKS cluster.

Installation Options

You can install the Add-On using either the AWS CLI or the AWS Web Console.

Install the Add-On via the command line

  1. Check the add-on is available

    Check that add-on is available. Note that an AWS Marketplace subscription is required before for TID addon to be deployed in AWS account.

    aws eks describe-addon-versions --addon-name tetrate-io_istio-distro 
  2. Deploy the Add-On

    Deploy the add-on to your cluster in AWS EKS:

    aws eks create-addon --addon-name tetrate-io_istio-distro --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME>

    The installation will take around 2 minutes. To get the current state use the following command.

    aws eks describe-addon --addon-name tetrate-io_istio-distro --cluster-name <CLUSTER_NAME>

When the add-on is in Active state, you can proceed with deploying applications in Istio-enabled EKS cluster.

You'll also need to configure and deploy an Istio Gateway in the next step.