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TCA Analysis

Tetrate Config Analyzers (TCA) performs various configuration checks to ensure the proper setup and functioning of your Istio service mesh. This document describes in detail the validations that TIS Plus performs with examples of recommended configurations.

Following are the analysis checks TCA performs:

TIS00 - General Configurations

TIS01 - Basic Resource Issues

TIS02 - DestinationRule and PeerAuthentication

TIS03 - Gateway Issues

TIS04 - Mesh-Wide DestinationRule

TIS05 - Namespace-Wide and Mesh-Wide DestinationRule

TIS06 - Port Configuration

TIS07 - Deployment and Service Issues

TIS08 - EnvoyFilter Operations

TIS09 - Telemetry Issues

TIS10 - Service Registry and Sidecar Issues

TIS11 - VirtualService and Route Issues

TIS12 - WorkloadEntry Issues

TIS13 - Authorization Policy Issues

TIS14 - HTTPRoute Issues

TIS15 - Kubernetes Gateway Issues

TIS16 - Namespace Issues