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TIS1701 - Compliance Policy Is Missing, Invalid, or Not Set to Enforce FIPS 140-2 Requirements

The COMPLIANCE_POLICY environment variable is missing, invalid, or not configured to enforce FIPS 140-2 requirements. When COMPLIANCE_POLICY=fips-140-2 is correctly set (e.g., on the istiod deployment), Istio restricts TLS to version 1.2 and limits the cipher suites to FIPS-approved algorithms, ensuring strict FIPS mode.

Recommendation: Set COMPLIANCE_POLICY=fips-140-2

By setting the COMPLIANCE_POLICY environment variable to fips-140-2, Istio ensures TLS 1.2 is used exclusively, with FIPS-approved ciphers. This enforces strict FIPS compliance across both inbound and outbound traffic. For more information, refer to the Configure TID in Strict FIPS Mode.


  1. istiod Deployment Missing COMPLIANCE_POLICY

    # Excerpt from Helm values or deployment manifest
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: istiod
    namespace: istio-system
    - name: discovery
    # Missing COMPLIANCE_POLICY environment variable
    # ...

    Explanation: Without COMPLIANCE_POLICY=fips-140-2, TLS could be negotiated up to TLS 1.3 or down to versions that are not FIPS-approved, failing to meet FIPS 140-2 compliance requirements.

  2. COMPLIANCE_POLICY Set Incorrectly

    helm upgrade --install istiod tetratelabs/istiod -n istio-system \
    --set global.tag=${TAG} \
    --set "pilot.env.COMPLIANCE_POLICY=some-other-value" \
    --version ${VERSION} \

    Explanation: Here, pilot.env.COMPLIANCE_POLICY is set to something other than fips-140-2. The strict FIPS mode is not enabled, so the cluster may still allow TLS versions or ciphers that are non-FIPS-compliant.


  1. Set the COMPLIANCE_POLICY Environment Variable to fips-140-2

    Ensure the istiod deployment (pilot) is properly configured:

    helm upgrade --install istiod tetratelabs/istiod -n istio-system \
    --set global.tag=${TAG} \
    --set "pilot.env.COMPLIANCE_POLICY=fips-140-2" \
    --version ${VERSION} \

    This restricts TLS to version 1.2 and enforces only FIPS-approved cipher suites within Istio.