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Basic Usage

tca [command]

Available Commands

  • analyze: Analyze Istio configuration
  • completion: Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  • help: Help about any command
  • version: Print the version of TIS Analyzer

Global Flags

  • -h, --help: Help for tca
  • --kubeconfig string: Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.

Analyze Command

The primary command for TCA is analyze. Here's how to use it:

tca analyze [flags]

Analyze Flags

  • -h, --help: Help for analyze command
  • --istio-namespace string: The namespace to treat as the administrative root namespace for Istio configuration (default "istio-system")
  • -c, --kubeconfig string: Path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests
  • --local-only: Only analyze local configuration, do not fetch remote configuration (default is false)
  • -f, --mesh-config-file string: Overrides the mesh config values to use for analysis
  • -n, --namespace string: Namespace to analyze, default is all namespaces
  • -o, --output string: Output format: one of json|yaml|table (default "table")


  1. Analyze all namespaces using default settings:

    tca analyze
  2. Analyze a specific namespace:

    tca analyze -n my-namespace
  3. Analyze using a specific kubeconfig file:

    tca analyze -c /path/to/kubeconfig
  4. Analyze local configuration only:

    tca analyze --local-only -f /path/to/mesh-config.yaml
  5. Output analysis results in JSON format:

    tca analyze -o json
  6. Analyze with a custom Istio namespace:

    tca analyze --istio-namespace custom-istio-system

Best Practices

  • Run TCA regularly, especially before applying changes to Istio configurations
  • Use the --local-only flag with -f option to analyze configuration files before applying them to a cluster
  • Utilize different output formats (-o flag) for integration with other tools or scripts
  • When troubleshooting, analyze specific namespaces to focus on problem areas