📄️ Quickstart Introduction
Introduction to the quickstart scenarios.
📄️ Deploy an Application
Deploy the sample bookinfo application in TSB.
📄️ Create a Tenant
Create a TSB Tenant using the UI or tctl.
📄️ Create a Workspace
Create a TSB Workspace using the UI or tctl.
📄️ Create Config Groups
Create Gateway, Traffic, and Security Groups.
📄️ Configuring Permissions
Configure access policies using AccessBindings.
📄️ Ingress Gateway
Configure an Ingress Gateway to allow external traffic for your demo app.
📄️ Topology and Metrics
Inspect topology and metrics for your demo app.
📄️ Traffic Shifting
Shifting traffic between different versions of your demo app's review service.
📄️ Security
Use TSB security settings to limit access from outside the workspace.
📄️ Create Applications and APIs
Create an Application in TSB and expose services based on API definitions