Certificates Requirements
Before you continue, make sure you:
✓ Understand types of certificates in TSB.
Since 1.7, TSB supports automated certificate management for internal certificates, TSB front-envoy TLS certificates, and intermediate Istio CA certificates. Go to Automated Certificate Management for more details.
Internal Certificate
To use JWT authentication with TLS for communication between XCP central, MPC and XCP edge, the XCP central certificate must include its address in its subject alternate names (SANs). This will either be a DNS name or an IP address.
XCP central in the management plane uses the certificate stored in a secret named xcp-central-cert
in the management plane namespace (which defaults to tsb
). The secret must contain data for the
standard tls.crt
, tls.key
, and ca.crt
Below is an example of XCP central certificate as cert-manager
resource if you are using IP address.
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: xcp-central-cert
namespace: tsb
secretName: xcp-central-cert
- a.b.c.d ## <--- IP Address here
name: tsb-cert-issuer
kind: Issuer
duration: 2160h
renewBefore: 720h
Or, if you are using domain names, edit the field spec.dnsNames
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: xcp-central-cert
namespace: tsb
secretName: xcp-central-cert
- example-tsb.tetrate.io ## <-- DNS name here
name: tsb-cert-issuer
kind: Issuer
duration: 2160h
renewBefore: 720h
If you use tctl to automatically install required issuer and certificate, XCP central cert will have central.xcp.tetrate.io
as the DNS name.
Front-envoy Certificate
Front envoy is the ingress gateway for the TSB management plane. It is responsible for routing traffic to TSB API and UI.
Front envoy in the management plane uses the certificate stored in a secret named tsb-certs
in the management plane namespace (which defaults to tsb
). The secret must contain data for the
standard tls.crt
, tls.key
, and ca.crt
Below is an example of front-envoy
certificate as cert-manager
resource using domain names.
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: tsb-certs
namespace: tsb
secretName: tsb-certs
- example-tsb.tetrate.io
name: tsb-cert-issuer
kind: Issuer
isCA: false
duration: 2160h
renewBefore: 720h
Istio Intermediate CA Certificate
Istio Intermediate CA certificates is used by istiod
to issue workloads leaf certificates.
Istiod in the control plane uses the certificate stored in a secret named cacerts
in the control plane namespace (which defaults to istio-system
). The secret must contain data for ca-cert.pem
, ca-key.pem
, cert-chain.pem
and root-cert.pem
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: cacerts
namespace: istio-system
secretName: cacerts
duration: 8760h
renewBefore: 4320h
commonName: istiod.istio-system.svc
isCA: true
- digital signature
- key encipherment
- cert sign
- istiod.istio-system.svc
name: tsb-cert-issuer
kind: Issuer