📄️ Unified Gateway
This document introduces the concept of a Unified Gateway within the Tetrate Service Bridge (TSB) ecosystem, explaining its significance and providing detailed usage scenarios.
📄️ Upgrade to Unified Gateway
This document describes how to seamlessly upgrade a legacy Tier1 or Ingress Gateway to the Unified Gateway.
📄️ User Authentication with OIDC
Learn how to authenticate users using OIDC integration in TSB.
📄️ Subset based traffic routing using Gateway and ServiceRoute
Split external traffic between service subsets after matching on URI, header and port at application ingress.
📄️ Shared Gateway
How to use TSB to configure a single Ingress Gateway Deployment rather than a deployment-per-Workspace like default.
📄️ Multicluster Access Control using Identity Propagation
Propagating service identities between clusters
📄️ Multi-cluster traffic failover with EastWest Gateways
Shift traffic between clusters using an EastWest Gateway
📄️ Multi-cluster traffic routing using Application Ingress Gateway
Shift traffic between clusters using an Ingress gateway
📄️ Multi cluster traffic shifting with an Edge Gateway
Deploy Edge gateway and use to shift traffic between multiple clusters
📄️ Priority based Multi-cluster Traffic routing and Failover
Multi-cluster traffic routing and failover using failover priority settings
📄️ Configuring Authz for proxy-protocol
How to configure generation of authorization policies at service port instead of workload port by default
📄️ End User Authentication with Keycloak
End user authn/authz at Ingress Gateway using Keycloak as Identity Provider.
📄️ Controlling Access to External Services
Using Egress Gateways to Configure Access to External Services
📄️ Host Based Access Control For External Services via Egress Gateway
Using Unified Gateway as Egress to Configure Access to External Services
📄️ Distributed Ingress Gateways
Resilient Mesh with Distributed Ingress Gateways.
📄️ Configure and route HTTP, non-HTTP (multi-protocol) and multi-port service traffic in TSB
Guide to configure HTTP and non-HTTP (multi-port, multi-protocol) servers at the gateway.
📄️ Configuring Application Gateways Using OpenAPI Annotations
How to configure Application Gateways using OpenAPI annotations
📄️ App Ingress
App Ingress