Upgrading to Unified Gateway
Unified Gateway replaces the previous Tier1Gateway and IngressGateway installs. If you are running a previous Gateway instance, you can upgrade it to the Unified gateway seamlessly, without incurring any downtime.
How to Upgrade
Note that the process for upgrading gateways in 1.12 and later differs from the process used in earlier releases. This is because of a change in the Istio Operator implementation.
These instructions explain how to upgrade a gateway named app-gw, deployed in the bookinfo namespace. The upgrade is seamless, with no interruption in service.
Check the current state
Verify that your current gateway is functioning, and make note of any additional configuration that you will need to apply to the new gateway, such as cloud-provider specific annotations or gslb.tetrate.io/name annotations:
Get current ingress gateway configurationkubectl get ingressgateway.install.tetrate.io app-gw -n bookinfo -o yaml
# Expected Output
# apiVersion: install.tetrate.io/v1alpha1
# kind: IngressGateway
# metadata:
# annotations:
# kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
# {"apiVersion":"install.tetrate.io/v1alpha1","kind":"IngressGateway","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"app-gw","namespace":"bookinfo"},"spec":{"kubeSpec":{"service":{"annotations":{"service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-scheme":"internet-facing"},"type":"LoadBalancer"}}}}
# ...Observe the name of the istiooperator that manages this gateway:
List IstioOperator resourceskubectl get iop -n istio-system
# Expected Output
# xcp-iop-default HEALTHY 3h19m
# xcpgw-ingress-e1a064b1-50d7-4e66-b405-f719e0b01c31 HEALTHY 172mApply the new Unified Gateway install, using the same name.
Apply the new Unified Gateway manifest, including the additional configuration noted above.
Apply new Unified Gateway manifestcat <<EOF > my-unified-gateway.yaml
apiVersion: install.tetrate.io/v1alpha1
kind: Gateway
name: app-gw
type: LoadBalancer
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-scheme: internet-facing
kubectl apply -n bookinfo -f my-unified-gateway.yamlObserve the name of the istiooperator that manages the new gateway:
Verify that the new istiooperator has been startedkubectl get iop -n istio-system
# Expected Output:
# xcp-iop-default HEALTHY 3h23m
# xcpgw-ingress-e1a064b1-50d7-4e66-b405-f719e0b01c31 HEALTHY 177m
# xcpgw-unified-44c6e3e5-85d4-40a0-8f87-b007ae0e4989 HEALTHY 33sScale down XCP Operator Edge and delete the old Tier1 GW install resources
Scale down the XCP Operator Edge service:
Scale down XCP Operator Edgekubectl scale -n istio-system deployment/xcp-operator-edge --replicas=0
# deployment.apps/xcp-operator-edge scaledDelete the old Tier1 or Ingress gateway install resource
Delete old gateway instancekubectl delete ingressgateway.install.tetrate.io app-gw -n bookinfo
Edit the XCP Gateway Install CR and delete the finalizer
Remove the finalizer from the XCP Gateway Install custom resource:
Find the appropriate XCP Gateway Install CRkubectl get ingressdeployments.install.xcp.tetrate.io -n istio-system -l install.tetrate.io/owner-name=app-gw
# Expected Output
# ingress-fc5a4bd3-3023-4388-9696-ee3922f800ae 141mEdit the CR, and remove the highlighted finalizer value:
Edit the CR and remove the highlighted linekubectl edit ingressdeployments.install.xcp.tetrate.io -n istio-system ingress-fc5a4bd3-3023-4388-9696-ee3922f800ae
# ---Editing session follows---
# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: install.xcp.tetrate.io/v1alpha1
kind: IngressDeployment
tsb.tetrate.io/contentHash: a4112bb79e6f3832
creationTimestamp: "2025-03-17T13:18:20Z"
deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 0
deletionTimestamp: "2025-03-17T15:30:49Z"
- gateway.install.xcp.tetrate.io
generation: 3
install.tetrate.io/owner-kind: IngressGateway
install.tetrate.io/owner-name: app-gw
install.tetrate.io/owner-namespace: bookinfo
install.tetrate.io/owner-version: v1alpha1
...Save your changes, then verify that the CR has been deleted:
Verify that the CR has been deletedkubectl get ingressdeployments.install.xcp.tetrate.io -n istio-system -l install.tetrate.io/owner-name=app-gw
# Expected output
# No resources found in istio-system namespace.Scale up XCP Operator Edge to its previous state
Scale the XCP Operator Edge to 1 replica, restoring its operation:
Scale up XCP Operator Edgekubectl scale -n istio-system deployment/xcp-operator-edge --replicas=1
# deployment.apps/xcp-operator-edge scaledOnce the Edge Operator is up, it will delete the old gateway install IOP from the cluster:
Observe that the xcp-ingress install iop has been removedkubectl get iop -n istio-system
# Expected Output:
# xcp-iop-default HEALTHY 3h23m
# xcpgw-unified-44c6e3e5-85d4-40a0-8f87-b007ae0e4989 HEALTHY 33s
You have successfully migrated the gateway from legacy to the new Unified type, without any loss of service.