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Monitor the Tetrate Management Plane

How to monitor the Tetrate Management Plane, identifying various failure conditions.

This document explains how you can monitor an active Tetrate Management Plane to detect possible failures. In the case that the Tetrate Management Plane fails, you can follow the [troubleshooting steps. If it proves impossible to recover the failed Management Plane, you can then start the failover process. You may wish to refer to Tetrate Technical Support for assistance with this procedure.

Control Plane Troubleshooting

If your Management Plane appears to be functioning correctly, but one or more of your Workload clusters cannot connect, check out the Control Plane Troubleshooting guide.

Monitoring the Management Plane

The Tetrate Management Plane is exposed through a front-envoy service; the detailed flow describes the components that are proxied behind this service. You can health-check the Tetrate API and Metrics services through this endpoint, and you can export internal Prometheus metrics to generate a health dashboard for the Management Plane.

  1. Health Check Requests

    The simplest way to monitor the health of the TSB Management Plane is to query either the API service or the OAP service using simple HTTPS requests:

    • curl -D - -k -u USER:PASS https://TSB-FQDN/v2/organizations/MYORG/status will query the TSB API service tsb for the status of the organization MYORG, and return 200 OK
    • curl -D - -k -u USER:PASS https://TSB-FQDN/promql/api/v1/labels will query the metrics service oap and return 200 OK

    These health checks exercise the front-envoy and iam services, plus the relevant back-end service in the TSB Management Plane.

  2. Management Plane Health Dashboards

    You can monitor the correct operation of the Management Plane using the published Prometheus metrics. The tctl tool can quickly create a Grafana Dashboard to display the key TSB metrics: tctl experimental grafana dashboard:

    Management Plane Status: tctl dashboard tsb-health.json TSB Dashboard 'tsb-health.json'

    Refer to the documentation for Key Metrics to understand how to monitor these internal Management Plane metrics.

Next Steps

If a management plane component appears to have failed, you can: