Helm TSB Uninstallation
To uninstall TSB, installed using helm, you can use helm uninstall
to uninstall a release. Uninstallation must be done
in the following order:
TSB prevents the deletion of critical resources, which must be disabled to allow uninstallation. Disable it by annotating the operator deployments, then restarting them.
kubectl annotate -n istio-system deployment tsb-operator-control-plane --overwrite tsb.tetrate.io/deletion-protection=disabled
kubectl annotate -n tsb deployment tsb-operator-management-plane --overwrite tsb.tetrate.io/deletion-protection=disabled
kubectl rollout restart -n istio-system deployment tsb-operator-control-plane
kubectl rollout restart -n tsb deployment tsb-operator-management-plane
Deletion protection can also be disabled by setting this value in each
operator's helm values file, then running a helm upgrade
deletionProtection: disabled
Control Plane Uninstallation
helm uninstall cp tetrate-tsb-helm/controlplane --namespace istio-system
Once Helm has removed all the resources associated with the last release of the control plane chart, you will need to manually remove some resources created during the uninstallation process that are untracked by Helm.
kubectl delete serviceaccount tsb-helm-delete-hook --ignore-not-found
kubectl delete clusterrole tsb-helm-delete-hook --ignore-not-found
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding tsb-helm-delete-hook --ignore-not-found
kubectl delete apiservices.apiregistration.k8s.io v1beta1.external.metrics.k8s.io
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations.admissionregistration.k8s.io xcp-edge-istio-system
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations.admissionregistration.k8s.io xcp-edge-istio-system
Management Plane Uninstallation
helm uninstall mp tetrate-tsb-helm/managementplane --namespace tsb
Once Helm has removed all the resources associated with the last release of the management plane chart, you will need to manually remove some resources created during the uninstallation process that are untracked by Helm.
kubectl delete serviceaccount tsb-helm-delete-hook --ignore-not-found
kubectl delete clusterrole tsb-helm-delete-hook --ignore-not-found
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding tsb-helm-delete-hook --ignore-not-found
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations.admissionregistration.k8s.io xcp-central-tsb
kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations.admissionregistration.k8s.io xcp-central-tsb