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Migration from tctl to Helm

This document will cover how to migrate a live installation of TSB using tctl and migrate to helm. The document assumes that Helm is already installed in the system.

Same Version

This guides only applies to migrating TSB installations from tctl to Helm. The versions of the TSB installation must be the same.

Before you get started, make sure you:
✓ Familiarize yourself with TSB concepts
✓ Install the TSB environment. You can use TSB demo for quick install
✓ Completed TSB usage quickstart.

Preparation of the helm charts

Before hand you must be familiar with Helm. Follow the prerequisites in our guide with installing TSB with Helm.

Migrate Management Plane

Migrating the current installation requires only labeling and annotating the resources of the plane installation. All other components will be upgraded and managed by the tsb-operator. Here is list of commands to annotate every resource that will be managed by Helm.

kubectl -n tsb label deployment tsb-operator-management-plane ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate deployment tsb-operator-management-plane "" ""

kubectl -n tsb annotate service tsb-operator-management-plane "" ""

kubectl -n tsb annotate sa tsb-operator-management-plane "" ""

kubectl -n tsb label secret elastic-credentials ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate secret elastic-credentials "" ""

kubectl -n tsb label secret es-certs ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate secret es-certs "" ""

kubectl -n tsb label secret ldap-credentials ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate secret ldap-credentials "" ""

kubectl -n tsb label secret postgres-credentials ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate secret postgres-credentials "" ""

kubectl -n tsb label secret admin-credentials ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate secret admin-credentials "" ""

kubectl annotate clusterrole tsb-operator-management-plane-tsb "" ""

kubectl annotate clusterrolebinding tsb-operator-management-plane-tsb "" ""

kubectl -n tsb label managementplane managementplane ""
kubectl -n tsb annotate managementplane managementplane "" ""


release-name and release-namespace should match the release name and namespace used in the helm install command.

After all the resources are labeled correctly then proceed with the installation of the release:

helm upgrade mp tetrate-tsb-helm/managementplane --install --namespace tsb -f upgrade-mpt1/helm/values-mp.yaml --set image.registry=${HUB} --set image.tag=${TSB_VERSION} --set spec.hub=${HUB}

Release "mp" does not exist. Installing it now.

NAME: mp
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu May 25 11:03:18 2023
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing the TSB Management plane 1.5.11.
Chart: managementplane
Version: 1.5.11

Your Management Plane is ready to be used.
Next step might be to onboard the cluster from the control plane.
You could choose between:
- install `controlplane` chart
- manually following # TODO url to docs.

# Discover the TSB entrypoint

Check the IP for the envoy loadbalancer service.

This is one example. Consider a time for the service to be ready:
kubectl get svc -n "tsb" envoy --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

# Configure the TCTL admin profile, using the IP in the previous step.

# Setup the TSB address as follows. If specific settings are needed to trust the certificate configured in TSB,
# refer to the `tctl config clusters set --help` command to see all the available options.
tctl config clusters set helm --bridge-address <IP>:8443

tctl config users set helm --username admin --password "NotAPassword" --org "tetrate"
tctl config profiles set helm --cluster helm --username helm
tctl config profiles set-current helm

Migrate Control Plane

The procedure is the same, only a few resources and secrets are changed

kubectl -n istio-system label deployment tsb-operator-control-plane ""
kubectl -n istio-system annotate deployment tsb-operator-control-plane "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system annotate service tsb-operator-control-plane "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system annotate sa tsb-operator-control-plane "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system label secret elastic-credentials ""
kubectl -n istio-system annotate secret elastic-credentials "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system label secret cluster-service-account ""
kubectl -n istio-system annotate secret cluster-service-account "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system label secret mp-certs ""
kubectl -n istio-system annotate secret mp-certs "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system label secret xcp-central-ca-bundle ""
kubectl -n istio-system annotate secret xcp-central-ca-bundle "" ""

kubectl annotate clusterrole tsb-operator-control-plane-istio-system "" ""

kubectl annotate clusterrolebinding tsb-operator-control-plane-istio-system "" ""

kubectl -n istio-system label controlplane controlplane ""
kubectl -n istio-system annotate controlplane controlplane "" ""

Verify and check that release-name and release-namespace points to the one in the release installation:

helm upgrade cp tetrate-tsb-helm/controlplane --install --namespace istio-system -f upgrade-mpt1/helm/values-cp.yaml --set image.registry=${HUB} --set image.tag=${TSB_VERSION} --set spec.hub=${HUB} --set${TSB_HOST} --set-file secrets.clusterServiceAccount.JWK=/tmp/upgrade-mpt1.jwk

Release "cp" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: cp
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu May 25 11:21:18 2023
NAMESPACE: istio-system
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing the TSB Control Plane 1.5.11.
Chart: controlplane
Version: 1.5.11