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logoTetrate Service BridgeVersion: 1.11.x

Get Started with TSB Telemetry

This page details how to collect telemetry necessary for monitoring and observing Tetrate Service Bridge. Refer to the Service Metrics with PromQL documentation for service and application telemetry.

How TSB provides Internal Metrics

TSB provides a large set of internal Key Metrics that can be used to observe the operation of the internal components of the Tetrate Control and Management Planes.

Metrics are not published through the external front-envoy service

These metrics are not exposed through the standard PromQL endpoint in the front-envoy service because they are intended to be used to monitor the successful operation of the Tetrate platform.

This ensures that the metrics can still be obtained if the front-envoy service is unavailable for any reason.

The metrics are exposed as a simple, unauthenticated scrape target from an internal Open Telemetry Collector service in the Control and Management Planes. This collector accumulates the metrics from all the local services:

Collector Architecture

Management Plane Metrics are provided by the otel-collector service in the tsb namespace in the Management Plane cluster, on port 9090:

kubectl port-forward -n tsb svc/otel-collector 9090:9090 &
curl localhost:9090/metrics

Control Plane Metrics are provided by the otel-collector service in the istio-system namespace in each Control Plane cluster, on port 9090

kubectl port-forward -n istio-system svc/otel-collector 9090:9090 &
curl localhost:9090/metrics

Worked Example: Inspect the Key Metrics using Grafana

This quick example will deploy a Prometheus and Grafana stack on a single host, using Docker. You can use this to observe the internal Key Metrics from the Tetrate Management Plane.

Production Usage

This example is intended to be a quickstart only. For production usage, you may wish to deploy Prometheus locally in each Tetrate cluster, and expose the metrics securely.

  1. Expose the Metrics on your local machine

    Expose the metrics on port 9094 on the local machine. Note that port 9090 will be required by the Prometheus service you will deploy.

    Expose metrics from the Tetrate Management Plane on port 9094
    kubectl port-forward svc/otel-collector -n tsb 9094:9090

    Verify that they are accessible:

    curl http://localhost:9094/metrics
  2. Create the required Docker and Prometheus configuration

    Use the following docker-compose.yaml and prometheus.yml configuration:

    version: '3.8'

    driver: bridge

    image: prom/prometheus
    container_name: prometheus
    - 9090:9090
    - ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
    - monitoring
    image: grafana/grafana:latest
    container_name: grafana
    - '3000:3000'
    - 'grafana_storage:/var/lib/grafana'
    - monitoring

    grafana_storage: {}
    scrape_interval: 15s

    - job_name: 'tsb'
    - targets: ['host.docker.internal:9094']

    Place both files in the same location (directory) and start the Prometheus/Grafana stack:

    docker compose up -d

    Using a web browser, verify that you can access the Prometheus service on http://localhost/9090 and the Grafana service on http://localhost:3000 (default username admin, password admin).

    Using curl, verify that the prometheus service is successfully scraping the data from the Management Plane. You should see a list of all the metrics that have been discovered:

    curl http://localhost:9090/api/v1/label/__name__/values | jq .
  3. Configure Grafana to chart the Management Plane metrics

    Upload the Tetrate Key Metrics dashboards as follows:

    tctl experimental grafana upload --url http://localhost:3000 --username=admin --password=admin

    Use --overwrite if necessary.

    The dashboards use a default UUID to identify the datasource. Find the UUID (typically something like P1809F7CD0C75ACF3) by inspecting the JSON model for one of the dashboards:

    Datasource for the Grafana Dashboard Datasource for the Grafana Dashboard

    Create a Datasource with that name (UUID), with the following settings:

    Save and Test the datasource:

    Save and Test the Datasource Save and Test the Datasource
  4. Explore the Management Plane and Control Plane Metrics

    Allow a number of minutes for sufficient scrapes of metrics to be gathered. Note that some of the Dashboard Metrics are based on time series so will take time to accumulate and display.

    Dashboard 1

    Ensure that the port-forward is still active, and restart it if it fails:

    while sleep 1 ; do 
    kubectl port-forward svc/otel-collector -n tsb 9094:9090 ;

Production Deployment

You should not rely on forwarded metrics in production installations. Instead, we recommend scraping each available collector locally using a dedicated Prometheus installation, and exposing the promql endpoint securely to your Grafana stack.