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logoTetrate Service ExpressVersion: Latest

Installing Tetrate Service Express

This Installation Guide walks through the steps needed to install Tetrate Service Express release 1.8.0 into an Amazon EKS Cluster. It finishes with a simple application deployment to verify that TSE is functioning correctly.

You can install Tetrate Service Express directly from Tetrate's registry, or via AWS Marketplace:

  • For evaluations, apply for an eval and install directly from Tetrate's registry
  • For production usage, you can purchase TSE directly from Tetrate, or subscribe through AWS Marketplace


EKS ClusterEKS with Kubernetes 1.23 - 1.27; 3 nodes, minimum of 6 vCPUs, 12 GB memory total
LB ControllerAWS Load Balancer Controller addon
cert-managerTSE installs a cert-manager instance, but can use a pre-existing cert-manager install
Standard CLI toolsAWS CLI client, eksctl CLI client, kubectl, helm, curl/wget
IAM PermissionsSee eksctl notes. Other permissions are documented as required

In addition, if installing directly from Tetrate's registry:

Standard CLI toolsdocker
Docker RegistryAmazon ECR or an alternative private registry
CredentialsTetrate repository username and API key; please contact Tetrate if needed

Expected Time to Install

Deploy EKS Cluster30-60 minutes
Acquire tools, sync images20-40 minutes
Deploy Management Plane30-60 minutes
Onboard Cluster10-20 minutes

Installation Steps

  1. Create an EKS Cluster

    Create or configure an EKS cluster for the TSE Management Plane. Optionally enable AWS Load Balancer Controller for that cluster.

  2. Obtain Installation Tools

    Obtain the installation tools required for the installation.

  3. Obtain the TSE software

    Obtain the TSE software images, from the Tetrate repo or via AWS Marketplace.

  4. Install the Management Plane

    Install the TSE Management Plane into your chosen EKS cluster.

  5. Onboard a Cluster

    Onboard one or more EKS clusters into TSE.

  6. Finish the TSE configuration

    Perform final configuration steps for TSE to secure the installation.

  7. Deploy a Test Application

    Deploy the Bookinfo test application to test the correct operation of Tetrate Service Express.

Additional Installation Documentation