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logoTetrate Service ExpressVersion: Latest

Expose a TSE-hosted Service to a local Lattice Service Network

Automatically add TSE services to the Lattice Service Registry

Tetrate Service Express (TSE) can automatically add TSE-hosted services to the Lattice Service Registry when services are exposed through an Ingress Gateway. These services can then be discovered and consumed by Lattice clients.

Feature Status: Experimental

Lattice Integration is currently released as an early preview of the capability. Please provide feedback, but do not rely on this feature in a production environment.

How does the integration work?

The TSE Control Plane on each EKS Workload cluster uses an AWS Controller service to manage Lattice service entries. The AWS Controller component is shipped with TSE and supported by Tetrate. It is not installed by default, and can be added to one or more clusters by redeploying the ControlPlane component.

You connect an EKS Workload cluster to Lattice by associating its VPC with the Lattice Service Network. You then configure that EKS/TSE cluster so that when services are exposed by TSE through an Ingress Gateway, these services are registered with the Lattice Service Network:

Expose TSE service to Lattice Expose TSE service to Lattice
Background Knowledge

These instructions assume you are familiar with Amazon VPC Lattice and you are familiar with TSE, specifically the process of creating an Ingress Gateway and then exposing a service using a Gateway resource.

The example in these instructions builds on the Getting Started guide to Publish a Service.

Onboard a TSE cluster


Before you proceed, you should have:

  1. A Lattice Service Network in your selected region, containing a VPC where there is a simple virtual machine (VM). You will issue curl requests from the VM to access the service in TSE; verify that you can access the VM.
  2. A TSE EKS Workload cluster in the same region, which you wish to onboard to the Service Network. This cluster should use a different VPC.

Create an IAM Policy

First, create a policy with permissions to manage VPC Lattice resources.

cat <<EOF > AllowVPCLatticeCRUD.yaml
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": ["*"]

aws iam create-policy --policy-name ${POLICY_NAME} --policy-document file://AllowVPCLatticeCRUD.yaml

Onboard a TSE Cluster

Follow these steps for each TSE EKS Workload cluster you wish to associate with a Lattice Service Network.

  1. Associate with the Lattice Service Network

    For each EKS workload cluster, use the AWS Console to create a new VPC association, adding the VPC for the EKS cluster.

    Your service network should now contain VPC associations for both the EC2 VM's VPC and the EKS Cluster's VPC.

  2. Create a Service Account

    On each workload cluster associated with the Lattice Service Network, create a Service Account for AWS IAM to allow the AWS Controller to manage VPC Lattice resources. The Service Account uses the previously-created policy.

    Check that you have correctly set $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME and $REGION, and set $ACCOUNT to your 12-digit account ID:


    eksctl create iamserviceaccount \
    --cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --region $REGION \
    --name ${SA_NAME} \
    --namespace istio-system \
    --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT}:policy/${POLICY_NAME} \
  3. Enable the AWS Controller

    On each workload cluster associated with the Lattice Service Network, redeploy the Control Plane to enable the AWS Controller service:

    helm get values tse-cp -n istio-system > cp-values.yaml
    helm upgrade tse-cp tse/controlplane \
      --namespace istio-system \
      --version 1.8.0+tse \
      -f cp-values.yaml \
      --set spec.providerSettings.lattice.enabled=true \

    You can verify the installation and inspect the settings:

    kubectl get sa -n istio-system | grep $SA_NAME
    kubectl get deployments -n istio-system aws-controller
    kubectl get pods -n istio-system -l app=aws-controller
    kubectl get clusterrole tsb-aws-controller-cp
    kubectl get clusterrolebinding tsb-aws-controller-cp

    Follow the logs using:

    kubectl logs -f -n istio-system -l app=aws-controller

You have now configured your EKS cluster with appropriate permissions and services so that it can publish services on the Lattice Service Network.

Expose a Mesh Service


Before you proceed, you should have:

  1. Configured your EKS cluster so it can publish services on the Lattice Service Network.
  2. Deployed a service, an Ingress Gateway and configured a Gateway Group in your TSE EKS workload cluster.

If you have a complex configuration, you will also need to create appropriate security groups to allow traffic between the VPCs and the Service Network. This is not necessary for the simple, default configuration.

Prepare the Service

The steps in this example use the bookinfo service.

Reference: Preparing the TSE EKS Cluster with the bookinfo application

Deploy the bookinfo application

kubectl create namespace bookinfo
kubectl label namespace bookinfo istio-injection=enabled
kubectl apply -n bookinfo -f

Create the TSE Workspace

cat <<EOF > bookinfo-ws.yaml
kind: Workspace
organization: tse
tenant: tse
name: bookinfo-ws
displayName: Bookinfo
description: Test Bookinfo application
- "*/bookinfo"

tctl apply -f bookinfo-ws.yaml

Deploy an Ingress Gateway

cat <<EOF > ingress-gw-install.yaml
kind: IngressGateway
name: bookinfo-ingress-gw
namespace: bookinfo
type: LoadBalancer

kubectl apply -f ingress-gw-install.yaml

Create a Gateway Group

cat <<EOF > bookinfo-gwgroup.yaml
kind: Group
displayName: bookinfo
name: bookinfo-gwgroup
organization: tse
tenant: tse
workspace: bookinfo-ws
displayName: bookinfo-gwgroup
- "*/bookinfo"

tctl apply -f bookinfo-gwgroup.yaml

Expose the productpage service with a Gateway Resource

cat <<EOF > bookinfo-ingress.yaml
kind: Gateway
organization: tse
tenant: tse
group: bookinfo-gwgroup
workspace: bookinfo-ws
name: bookinfo-gw
namespace: bookinfo
app: bookinfo-ingress-gw
- name: bookinfo
port: 80
- route:
host: bookinfo/productpage.bookinfo.svc.cluster.local
port: 9080

tctl apply -f bookinfo-ingress.yaml

Verify that the Service can be accessed through the Ingress Gateway

Allow several minutes for AWS to deploy the load balancers to publish the service.

export GATEWAY_IP=$(kubectl -n bookinfo get service bookinfo-ingress-gw -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]['hostname','ip']}")

curl -s --connect-to$GATEWAY_IP \
"" | \
grep "<title>"

Expose the Service to Lattice

You need to annotate the Gateway resource that is used to publish the service through an Ingress Gateway:

  1. Obtain the VPC Lattice Service Network ID

    The VPC Lattice Service Network ID will look something like sn-00123456789abcdef. You can obtain it from the AWS Console, or using the aws CLI tool with suitable permissions.


    aws vpc-lattice list-service-networks --output json | \
    jq --arg name $SN_NAME '.items[] | select(.name==$name) | .id'
    Troubleshooting: Add permissions to your AWS user

    Run aws vpc-lattice list-service-networks --region ${REGION}. If you get the following error:

    An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the ListServiceNetworks operation: User: arn:aws:iam::901234567890:user/YOUR-USER is not authorized to perform: vpc-lattice:ListServiceNetworks on resource: arn:aws:vpc-lattice:REGION:901234567890:servicenetwork/*

    ... you need to enable permissions for that user. For example, you can add the previously-created AllowVPCLatticeUpdates policy to that user's list of permissions policies.

  2. Obtain the cluster VPC ID

    The VPC ID for the EKS cluster associated with the Service Network will look something like vpc-00123456789abcdef. You can obtain it from the AWS Console, or using the eksctl CLI tool.

    eksctl get cluster $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME --output json | \
    jq --arg clusterName $EKS_CLUSTER_NAME '.[] | select(.Name == $clusterName) | .ResourcesVpcConfig.VpcId'
  3. Create or Update the Gateway Resource

    Annotate your Gateway resource with the Service Network ID, Cluster VPC ID and set the name for the VPC Lattice service.

    cat <<EOF > bookinfo-ingress.yaml
    kind: Gateway
    organization: tse
    tenant: tse
    group: bookinfo-gwgroup
    workspace: bookinfo-ws
    name: bookinfo-gw
    annotations: "bookinfo-from-tse" "sn-00123456789abcdef" "vpc-00123456789abcdef"
    namespace: bookinfo
    app: bookinfo-ingress-gw
    - name: bookinfo
    port: 80
    - route:
    host: bookinfo/productpage.bookinfo.svc.cluster.local
    port: 9080

    tctl apply -f bookinfo-ingress.yaml
  4. Determine the Lattice-Generated DNS name

    Query the Lattice Service Registry for the service you just created (identified by and extract the dnsEntry.domainName value:

    aws vpc-lattice list-services --output json | \
    jq --arg svcName "bookinfo-from-tse" '.items[] | select(.name == $svcName) | .dnsEntry.domainName'

    You should see something resembling "".

Testing the Service

You can now test the integration and service publishing, by attempting to reach the service from another client on the Lattice Service Network. You can use a VM as follows:


Note that it can take 5 minutes or more for the Lattice networking to be configured. You may encounter connection reset by peer or similar errors during this period.

Once configured, you will observe that traffic from a Lattice client is observed to come from an 'External Service':

Traffic from a Lattice client is observed to come from an &#39;External Service&#39; Traffic from a Lattice client is observed to come from an 'External Service'