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tctl status

tctl status

Get the status of an object

tctl status <apiVersion/kind | kind | shortform> <name> [flags]


# Get the status of a workspace using the resource FQN
tctl status organizations/tetrate/tenants/my-tenant/workspaces/my-workspace

# Get the status of a tenant using the apiVersion/Kind pattern
tctl status my-tenant

# Get the status of a workspace using the short form
tctl status ws my-workspace

# Get the status of a gateway group
tctl status --workspace my-workspace GatewayGroup my-group

Group kind is available for different APIs, so this helpers are available to easly retrieve them:
- TrafficGroup
- SecurityGroup
- GatewayGroup
- IstioInternalGroup

These are the available short forms:
aab ApplicationAccessBindings
ab AccessBindings
ap AuthorizationPolicy
apiab APIAccessBindings
app Application
cobc ClusterOnboardingConfig
cobs ClusterOnboardingStatus
cs Cluster
dr DestinationRule
ef EnvoyFilter
eg EgressGateway
gab GatewayAccessBindings
gg GatewayGroup
iab IstioInternalAccessBindings
ig IngressGateway
iig IstioInternalGroup
oab OrganizationAccessBindings
org Organization
os OrganizationSetting
otm Metric
ots Source
pa PeerAuthentication
prof Profile
ra RequestAuthentication
sa ServiceAccount
sab SecurityAccessBindings
sd Sidecar
se ServiceEntry
sg SecurityGroup
sm SegmentationMembership
sp SegmentationPolicy
sr ServiceRoute
srs SegmentationRules
ss SecuritySetting
sss ServiceSecuritySetting
sts ServiceTrafficSetting
svc Service
t1 Tier1Gateway
tab TrafficAccessBindings
tg TrafficGroup
tnab TenantAccessBindings
tns TenantSetting
ts TrafficSetting
vs VirtualService
wab WorkspaceAccessBindings
wext WasmExtension
wp WasmPlugin
ws Workspace
wss WorkspaceSetting

For API version and kind, please refer to:


      --org string                  Organization the object belongs to
--tenant string Tenant the object belongs to
--cluster string Cluster the object belongs to
-w, --workspace string Workspace the object belongs to
-g, --group string Group the object belongs to
-t, --trafficgroup string Traffic group the object belongs to
-s, --securitygroup string Security group the object belongs to
-l, --gatewaygroup string Gateway group the object belongs to
-i, --istiointernalgroup string Istio internal group the object belongs to
-a, --application string Application the object belongs to
--api string API the object belongs to
--telemetry-source string Telemetry source the object belongs to
-o, --output-type string Response output type: table, yaml, json (default "table")
-h, --help help for status

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --config string               Path to the config file to use. Can also be
specified via TCTL_CONFIG env variable. This flag
takes precedence over the env variable.
--debug Print debug messages for all requests and responses
--disable-tctl-version-warn If set, disable the outdated tctl version warning. Can also be
specified via TCTL_DISABLE_VERSION_WARN env variable.
-p, --profile string Use specific profile (default "default")