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logoTetrate Service ExpressVersion: Latest

East/West Gateway

The differences between TSB and TSE API

Tetrate Service Express (TSE) utilizes many of the same components as the Tetrate Service Bridge(TSB) product but has the several distinctions. Go to Comparing TSE and TSB for more details.

Configuration for east/west gateway settings


EastWestGateway is for configuring a gateway to handle east-west traffic of the services that are not exposed through Ingress or Tier1 gateways (internal services). Currently, this is restricted to specifying at Workspace level in WorkspaceSetting.

FieldDescriptionValidation Rule


Specify the gateway workloads (pod labels and Kubernetes namespace) under the gateway group that should be configured with this gateway. There can be only one gateway for a workload selector in a namespace.

message = {
  required: true


List of tetrateio.api.tsb.types.v2.ServiceSelector
Exposed services is used to specify the match criteria to select specific services for internal multicluster routing (east-west routing between clusters). If it is not defined or contains no elements, all the services within the workspace will be exposed to the configured gateway.


Metadata values that will be add into the Istio generated configurations. When using YAML APIs liketctl or gitops, put them into the metadata.labels or metadata.annotations instead. This field is only necessary when using gRPC APIs directly.