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Version: 0.9.x

From Helm based installation

TSB release 0.8.0 includes a new operator based installation method. While this approach greatly simplifies the platform lifecycle when it comes to installation and upgrades, some considerations need to be taken when upgrading from a release deployed with the legacy helm approach.

Starting with TSB 0.8.0 have changed their names to fit the Tetrate Service Bridge name, discarding the old TCC acronym. This means some deployments or secrets may have changed their names to reflect that.

Management plane


Due to the naming changes, the secret containing the certificate used to terminate TLS traffic when accessing TSB has been renamed from tcc-certs to tsb-certs. You will need to clone the tcc-certs secret to tsb-certs or create tsb-certs again using the same certificates.

The secrets storing the LDAP credentials, the admin super user credentials, and the synchronization jobs (teamsync-token) do not change, but they are no longer managed by the TSB installation procedure.

Postgres credentials were added to the TSB Kubernetes deployment itself in previous releases, and with the operator approach they need to be stored in a secret called postgres-credentials. Check the installation documentation section regarding the secrets requirements to create this secret. This secret must exist before you apply the ManagementPlane resource to the cluster, otherwise TSB API server will not be able to start.

Persistent storage

After installing the TSB management plane operator as described in the installation documentation, you will need to take care of the following considerations when it comes to the telemetry and data stores.

If your installation uses the bundled Elasticsearch instance, deployed as Kubernetes StatefulSet, the operator will not be able to take ownership of it. The same happens with the bundled instance of Postgres.

To upgrade successfully from such installation you will need to treat both Elasticsearch and Postgres as deployed externally, so the TSB operator will not manage them

kind: ManagementPlane
namespace: tcc
name: tsbmgmtplane
hub: <your-registry>
tenant: <your-tenant>
host: elasticsearch
port: 9200
protocol: http
version: 6
host: postgres
port: 5432
sslMode: disable
connection_lifetime: 5m

The snippet above describes a ManagementPlane object configured to point to your currently deployed Elasticsearch and Postgres. Note though that these will become unmanaged by the operator and you will need to manage them separately.

If your installation already used externally managed Elasticsearch and/or Postgres you will need to create the ManagementPlane with the settings you already provided to the previous release helm charts.

Cleanup unmanaged resources

Due to the naming changes, some deployments will be left in the cluster running older version of the TSB components. After applying the ManagementPlane resource to the cluster and check that the new deployments are successfully started, you will need to manually delete the following objects:

  • deployment/oap-deployment
  • deployment/prometheus
  • deployment/tcc
  • service/tcc
  • service/prometheus
  • secret/tcc-certs
  • serviceaccount/prometheus
  • clusterrolebinding/prometheus-tcc
  • clusterrole/prometheus-tcc
kubectl -n ${MANAGEMENT_NAMESPACE} delete deployment oap-deployment prometheus tcc
kubectl -n ${MANAGEMENT_NAMESPACE} delete service tcc prometheus
kubectl -n ${MANAGEMENT_NAMESPACE} delete secret tcc-certs
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding prometheus-tcc
kubectl delete clusterrole prometheus-tcc

Control plane

Istiod migration

The TSB control plane in 0.8.0 ships with Istio control plane based on istiod. This implies some changes that you need to be aware of.

Cleanup unmanaged resources

In the control plane, the cleanup necessity comes from the change to an Istio version using istiod. Istio will run now just a single component grouping the functionality of the previous components, so after applying the ControlPlane resource and checking that the new components are healthy, you will need to remove the following objects:

  • deployment/istio-citadel
  • deployment/istio-pilot
  • deployment/istio-sidecar-injector
  • deployment/istio-tracing
  • service/istio-citadel
  • service/istio-pilot
  • service/istio-sidecar-injector
  • service/tracing
  • serviceaccount/istio-citadel-service-account
  • serviceaccount/istio-ingressgateway-service-account
  • serviceaccount/istio-multi
  • serviceaccount/istio-reader
  • serviceaccount/istio-sidecar-injector-service-account
  • serviceaccount/oap-service-account
  • serviceaccount/tsbd-service-account
  • clusterrolebinding/istio-citadel-istio-system
  • clusterrolebinding/istio-multi
  • clusterrolebinding/istio-reader
  • clusterrolebinding/istio-sidecar-injector-admin-role-binding-istio-system
  • clusterrolebinding/tsbd-admin-role-binding-istio-system
  • clusterrole/istio-citadel-istio-system
  • clusterrole/istio-reader
  • clusterrole/istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system
kubectl -n ${CONTROL_NAMESPACE} delete deployment istio-citadel istio-pilot istio-sidecar-injector istio-tracing
kubectl -n ${CONTROL_NAMESPACE} delete service istio-citadel istio-pilot istio-sidecar-injector tracing
kubectl -n ${CONTROL_NAMESPACE} delete serviceaccount istio-citadel-service-account istio-ingressgateway-service-account istio-multi istio-reader istio-sidecar-injector-service-account oap-service-account tsbd-service-account
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding istio-citadel-istio-system istio-multi istio-reader istio-sidecar-injector-admin-role-binding-istio-system tsbd-admin-role-binding-istio-system
kubectl delete clusterrole istio-citadel-istio-system istio-reader istio-sidecar-injector-istio-system

Data plane


The istio-pilot service disappears. This means that all of the deployed sidecars and gateways will not be able to receive further updates as they are configured to this service. Whilst traffic should not be affected by this change, the sidecars will not be able to receive new updates (for example addition or removal of service endpoints). Because of that you will need to delete the application pods in a controlled manner so the new pods are configured to fetch updates from istiod instead of istio-pilot.

Ingress gateways

The TSB data plane operator will deploy the TSB gateways whenever a DataPlaneConfig resource is created. DataPlaneConfig has to be created in the namespace where TSB gateway has to be created. There is a 1:1 mapping between the DataPlaneConfig and TSB gateway for the namespace. To upgrade your current gateways, you will need to create the corresponding resource for them.

Cleanup unmanaged resources

The deployment of the ingress gateways also changes its name for the new gateways, moving from tsb-gateway to tsb-gateway-<ns> (where <ns> is the namespace where the DataPlaneConfig resource is deployed to). When you deploy a DataPlaneConfig resource for one of your existing gateways the data plane operator will create a new deployment for it, while keeping the old deployment in place.

The Kubernetes service that receives the incoming traffic will be forwarding traffic to both of the gateway deployments, old and new, so when you verify that the newly deployed pods work as expected you can cleanup the old deployment.


Due to changes in the SkyWalking templates and index and template naming, it is imperative to delete the SkyWalking related Elasticsearch indexes and templates. Follow the procedure below to delete the appropriate data from Elasticsearch.

Please follow the procedure described in the Elasticsearch wipe procedure page to that end.