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Vault PKI Integration

This document describes how to setup TSB and Vault so that Vault can be used as an External CA.

Before proceeding, make sure to follow the instructions in the Common Setup for External CA Integration, install cert-manager, and generate the root CA certificate and key.

Setup Vault

Install Vault. It does not need to be installed in the same Kubernetes cluster, but it should be reachable from inside the Kubernetes cluster.

The following instructions installs Vault server in "dev" mode for demo purposes, but this is not recommended for production setup.

For more details, please check the Vault documentation

kubectl create namespace vault-demo

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=vault-demo

helm install vault hashicorp/vault --set=''

Enable Vault PKI

You will need to enable Vault's PKI Secrets Engine. This feature allows Vault to generate dynamic X.509 certificates.

First, enable the PKI Secrets Engine:

vault secrets enable pki

The optionally setup the PKI Secrets Engine to issue certificates with a maximum time-to-live (TTL) of 87600 hours (10 years):

vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki

Setup Root CA in Vault

Execute the following command to setup the root CA in Vault with the certificate and key that you have created in a previous step:

vault write -format=json pki/config/ca pem_bundle="$(cat ca.crt ca.key)"

Optionally you may choose to let Vault generate a root CA for you, which allows you to skip generating the root CA yourself. Please read the official documentation for more details

Once you have the certificate and key stored in vault, you may verify them by downloading and inspecting them from the Vault UI.

Certificate Setup Image 1 Certificate Setup Image 2

Setup Intermediate CA for Istio

Now that you have a CA in Vault, You can use it to create an intermediate CA for Istio.

You can re-use the pki secret backend, but you will need to set it up using with a new path (istioca).

First execute the following to enable PKI in a new path for intermediate CA:

vault secrets enable --path istioca pki

Then update the lease time for the intermediate CA to 5 years:

vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=43800h istioca

Finally, create the intermediate CA cert and key:

vault write istioca/intermediate/generate/exported common_name="" ttl=43800h
Key                 Value
--- -----
private_key -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Copy value for the csr into a local file named istioca.csr, and value for the private_key into a file named istioca.key. Make sure to include -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----.

Copy the CA Key into a local file istioca.key. It is advised to keep a backup of this key in a secure place.

Then sign the intermediate certificate with the root CA private key:

vault write pki/root/sign-intermediate csr=@istioca.csr format=pem_bundle ttl=43800h
Key              Value
--- -----
certificate -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

Save the value of certificate to a file named istioca.crt.

Once the CSR is signed and the root CA returns a certificate, it can be imported back into Vault. Execute the following command to set the certificate for the intermediate CA:

vault write istioca/intermediate/set-signed certificate=@istioca.crt

You can view the intermediate CA using Vault UI.

Certificate Setup Image 3

Setup Authentication From The Control Plane

Access to the information in Vault will be done via AppRole authentication.

Create a role named cluster-local, which only allows access from the local cluster. In this case, it is expected that the cert-manager will need to access Vault in order to periodically update the intermediate CA.

vault write istioca/roles/cluster-local allowed_domains="svc" allow_subdomains=true max_ttl="720h" require_cn=false allowed_uri_sans="spiffe://cluster.local/*"

Enable AppRole authentication in Vault:

vault auth enable approle 

Then create a Vault policy to allow cert-manager in the local cluster to update the intermediate CA

vault policy write cert-manager -<<EOF path "istioca/sign/cluster-local" { capabilities = ["update"] } EOF

Create a role named cert-manager. The following command also configures Vault to apply the cert-manager policy that you have created above when agents authenticate with Vault using the cert-manager role.

vault write auth/approle/role/cert-manager token_policies="cert-manager" token_ttl=1h token_max_ttl=4h

Finally, save the values for role-id, and secret-id so that you can use them later.

vault read auth/approle/role/cert-manager/role-id
Key        Value
--- -----
role_id 091aa68b-....0a523f9
vault write -force auth/approle/role/cert-manager/secret-id
Key                   Value
--- -----
secret_id a18a7f36-....-c1a8760b0873

Integrate cert-manager and Vault

Vault must be configured to be cert-manager's Issuer to act as a CA.

Since the Istio is the component that will have to directly communicate with Vault, the following resources will be created under the istio-system namespace.

You must create a secret in istio-system namespace containing the value of secret-id that you have obtained in the previous step. Create a file named vault-secret.yaml using the template below. Note that the value of secret-id must be base64-encoded.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
name: cert-manager-vault-approle
namespace: istio-system
secretId: <SECRET-ID-BASE64>

Apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f vault-secret.yaml

Once the secret has been created, create the Issuer, specifying it to authenticate using the role-id and secret-id via the AppRole method. Create a file named vault-issuer.yaml using the following template:

kind: Issuer
name: vault-issuer
namespace: istio-system
path: istioca/sign/cluster-local
server: https://<VAULT_ADDRESS>
path: approle
roleId: <ROLE-ID>
name: cert-manager-vault-approle
key: secretId

Then apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f vault-issuer.yaml

You can check that the issuer is verified by executing the following command:

kubectl get issuers vault-issuer -n istio-system -o wide
vault-issuer True Vault verified 1m

Install istio-csr

Download the intermediate CA certificate in PEM format from Vault, and save it as istio-ca.pem.

Certificate Setup Image 4

Then create a secret containing this certificate in the cert-manager namespace:

kubectl create secret generic istio-root-ca \
--namespace cert-manager \

Then install istio-csr using helm. This agent also creates a secret, istiod-tls , which holds the TLS certificate and key for istiod to serve.

helm upgrade cert-manager-istio-csr jetstack/cert-manager-istio-csr \
--install \
--namespace cert-manager \
--set "app.server.clusterID=<CLUSTER_NAME>"
--set "" \
--set "app.tls.rootCAFile=/var/run/secrets/istio-csr/ca.cert.pem" \
--set "volumeMounts[0].name=root-ca" \
--set "volumeMounts[0].mountPath=/var/run/secrets/istio-csr" \
--set "volumes[0].name=root-ca" \
--set "volumes[0].secret.secretName=istio-root-ca"

Verify that istio-csr is running, and that the istiod certificate is in a ready state.

kubectl get pods -n cert-manager
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-6d6bb4f487-rvltm 1/1 Running 0 10d
cert-manager-cainjector-7d55bf8f78-4xf7m 1/1 Running 0 10d
cert-manager-istio-csr-85459d48dc-8lvxl 1/1 Running 0 17s
cert-manager-webhook-5c888754d5-9czqq 1/1 Running 0 10d
kubectl get certificates -n istio-system
istiod True istiod-tls 97s

Configure TSB ControlPlane CRD

Finally, you will need to update ControlPlane Custom Resource and add the istiod component configuration by specifying the newly created certificate via overlays.

Create a file named control-plane.yaml, with the following content.

kind: ControlPlane
name: controlplane
namespace: istio-system
- apiVersion:
kind: IstioOperator
name: tsb-istiocontrolplane
- path:
value: cert-manager-istio-csr.cert-manager.svc:443
- path: spec.components.pilot.k8s.env
- name: POD_NAME
apiVersion: v1
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
value: "false"
- path: spec.components.pilot.k8s.overlays
- apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: istiod
- path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:discovery].args[7]
value: --tlsCertFile=/etc/cert-manager/tls/tls.crt
- path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:discovery].args[8]
value: --tlsKeyFile=/etc/cert-manager/tls/tls.key
- path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:discovery].args[9]
value: --caCertFile=/etc/cert-manager/ca/root-cert.pem
- path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:discovery].volumeMounts[6]
mountPath: /etc/cert-manager/tls
name: cert-manager
readOnly: true
- path: spec.template.spec.containers.[name:discovery].volumeMounts[7]
mountPath: /etc/cert-manager/ca
name: ca-root-cert
readOnly: true
- path: spec.template.spec.volumes[6]
name: cert-manager
secretName: istiod-tls
- path: spec.template.spec.volumes[7]
defaultMode: 420
name: istio-ca-root-cert
name: ca-root-cert

And apply it using kubectl:

kubectl apply -f control-plane.yaml

Verify the Root CA of a new application

To verify, deploy can deploy a new application and look at the content of secrets used by istio for that workload.

Execute the following commands to deploy a sleep workload in namespace foo:

kubectl create ns foo
kubectl label ns foo istio-injection=enabled
kubectl apply -f -n foo

Then get the list of pods to find out the pod's name:

kubectl get pods -n foo
NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
sleep-557747455f-rcsmr 2/2 Running 0 12s

Finally, use istioctl to show the list of secrets that istio is using for the named pod.

istioctl pc secret sleep-557747455f-rcsmr -n foo -o json
"dynamicActiveSecrets": [
"name": "default",
"versionInfo": "0",
"lastUpdated": "2022-04-13T12:28:17.402Z",
"secret": {
"@type": "",
"name": "default",
"tlsCertificate": {
"certificateChain": {
"name": "ROOTCA",
"versionInfo": "0",
"lastUpdated": "2022-04-13T12:28:18.132Z",
"secret": {
"@type": "",
"name": "ROOTCA",
"validationContext": {
"trustedCa": {
"inlineBytes": "<BASE64_ENCODED_ROOT_CA>"

Take note of the content of the first certificate from certificateChain and decode the value that is in base64 encoding, and save in a file named foo.crt

You can inspect the certificate using openssl, and verify that the issuer, CA issuer, SAN, and other fields have the expected values.

openssl x509 -in foo.crt -text -noout

Certificate Setup Image 5

The ROOTCA from sleep secret should match the value of ca.crt that you have created at the beginning. You can decode the value of trustedCa that is in base64 encoding, and save it in a file named root.crt

Inspect the certificate using openssl, It will be same as the Root CA which you configured in the first step.

openssl x509 -in root.crt -text -noout

Certificate Setup Image 6