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Install a Tetrate Istio distribution in Azure AKS

You can manually install a Tetrate Istio distribution on an Azure AKS cluster using any of the supported methods, such as helm or istioctl.

Alternatively, you can follow these instructions to perform the installation from the Azure Marketplace.

Installation Steps

  1. Select Tetrate Istio Distro

    Azure HCI catalog screen

  2. Select a Plan

    Choose a plan. The list is changes regularly as newer versions are released:

    Selecting distro

  3. Select the Type of Installation

    Select either "existing cluster" or "new cluster creation". Enter the basic info on the first page per figure below:

    Type of installation and Azure details

    Select the AKS cluster name and Kubernetes version, and the cluster attributes:

    AKS Cluster Details

    Let Azure to validate your settings and proceed with cluster creation:

    Validating settings

  4. Wait for Completion

    After the cluster is created, you can begin provisioning your application and Istio will automatically onboard and connect your services:

    Deploy app

    When the cluster Deployment is completed - you can proceed with deploying applications in Istio-enabled AKS cluster.